You don’t have to be there at ground zero to be impacted and even profoundly traumatized by an event as horrific as the Newtown Massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Even President Obama cried.
Dealing effectively with such challenges requires you to:
Phase 1. Go through the appropriate grieving period with sufficient relaxation that you do not develop post-traumatic stress issues, yet remain sensitive and responsive to the naturally healing feelings of grief.
Phase 2. Discover what it is that you need to learn from what has happened.
Phase 3. Develop the focus, courage, and commitment to take the actions that you know are the right ones, no matter how difficult.
Phase I – Surviving Initial Trauma and Loss
Use the following programs while there are still acute symptoms of shock, sadness, grief, despair, and depression – it may continue for one or more weeks. Their use may be continued into later phases of recovery and renaissance.
Phase II - Discovering Deeper Learnings – Who am I Now, and What Is My Mission?
After one or several weeks, the acute pain becomes less intense, and there is more emotional and mental space available. While continuing your relationships with loved ones, it is now time to reassess who you are now, and what are the changes that you want to bring into your life.
Phase III – Spirit in Action: Your Duty to the Deepest Part of Yourself
Sometimes the process of healing from a great loss or trauma awakens you to the fact that your life is not meaningless – you have a mission. The following programs help you further identify your goals and stay on focus. There are things we have to do – play your part.