For most of us, acquiring, having and keeping things is associated with comfort, pleasure, satisfaction and achievement, and losing or letting go of things can produce pain, overwhelming sadness and depression. Accepting Change and Moving On teaches you, experientially, the inner skill of letting go. This program, as well as Serenity Prayer, is useful for death and dying as well as the "little deaths," losses of things, abilities, relationships, health, etc.
After a serious loss, it feels as if a piece of you is gone; therefore, Inner Child Healing and I Am are effective for reestablishing an inner sense of wholeness, as is Healing Journey. Stress and sleeplessness during the recovery from a loss can be treated with Letting Go of Stress and Easing into Sleep. During the recovery period, the video, A Time to Heal, and Rainbow Butterfly may prove very soothing and relaxing, and the principles found in the book, Deep Healing can help you understand how to better flow with the process.
The Silent Path is a CD by Robert Haig Coxon, which provides soothing and relaxing music during the releasing or recovery period. Abolish Anxiety offers excellent techniques to teach you to use your breathing to create a relaxed, secure state of inner peace. Escape from Depression explains depression as a state of being cut off from your spirit or heart, that which has meaning for you. You can escape from that state by coming into the present and being guided through the states of healing from depression.