Down with High Blood Pressure will show you how to use imagery to reduce stress, relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure. A valuable aid for relaxing and healing the cardiovascular system as a whole. Because stress is so often implicated in diseases of the cardiovascular system, Letting Go of Stress and The Ten-Minute Stress Managermay prove valuable, as may Launching Your Day, which shows you how to enter each day with a healthy frame of mind.
The tension and hostility often associated with cardiovascular disease may respond to The Serenity Prayer andWriting Your Own Script. Relaxation and Inspiration uses visual images as well as verbal guidance to guide you to relax yourself and your vascular system. Abolish Anxiety may help you relax, free yourself from distracting thoughts, and see that you have other options in addition to the automatic one that is based in anxiety. Dr. Miller’s book, Deep Healing: The Essence of Mind-Body Medicine, help you understand the how and why of mind-body medicine and cardiovascular disease.