The Insomnia Collection with Dr. Emmett Miller

The Insomnia Collection with Dr. Emmett Miller


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The essential skill involved in going to sleep is being able to relax thoroughly and empty your mind of unnecessary thoughts. Rid yourself of the environmental stressors that create insecurity and anxiety, and sleep comes naturally. Easing into Sleep, has 2 experiences: Escape from Insomnia—a 45-minute experience few have ever heard the end of. The rest of the collection teaches you how to put the day’s worries to rest and program a bright tomorrow.  Goodbye Insomnia is an excellent way to go into a deep sleep. Healing Journey, because it is so relaxing, is also a favorite for people going to sleep.

The compilation includes the following titles:

  • Easing Into Sleep
  • Goodbye Insomnia
  • Healing Journey
  • Health and Wellness
  • Relaxation and Inspiration

Running Time: 5 hours 34 minutes

ISBN: 978-1-63757-085-2

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