Happiness, health, and success are all the result of your thoughts and feelings. Clinical experience and countless scientific studies show that rich, balanced, freely-flowing emotions are powerful allies in producing health, peak creativity, and a satisfying, fulfilling life. Emotions you suppress – or those that overwhelm you – lead to frustration, anxiety, depression and failure, as well as physical and behavioral disorders. Dr. Miller shows you how to safely experience, understand, guide, and flow with your emotions, using powerful techniques, including deep relaxation, guided imagery and self-affirmation.
When your thoughts or emotions overwhelm you, it is your Self that is disempowered, leading to anxiety, anger, and depression. Clear thought, sound logic, and accurate focus are essential guides in making effective intentional choices. Self-respect, self-confidence, self-expression, and self-appreciation add up to healthy Self-esteem, the fulcrum upon which emotions must balance to produce health, joy, and success. The programs in this section will help you become the person you really want to be. They are listed in alphabetical order.
Like any other computer, the biocomputer between your ears responds best when you speak in a language it understands. Anger, fear, frustration and criticism don’t work. I Am: Awakening Self-Acceptance and I Can: Achieving Self-Empowerment can help you create a stronger base to change from. Personal Excellence is an in-depth experiential program to develop and activate your vision. To help eliminate the stress of change, consider: Ten-Minute Stress Manager and Stress Fitness. For an overview of how our thoughts, feelings, behaviors and stress are related, read Dr. Miller’s book Deep Healing: The Essence of Mind-Body Medicine.