Inspire Your Self, Express Your Truth
Spirituality is the process of separating the superficial from the essential. To discover spirit is to discover the relatedness of all existing things.
These audio and video programs are designed to help you awaken and strengthen your spirit, to follow its guidance and to permit it to heal mind, body and emotion. They will lonvingly guide you into a meditative, contemplative mood, and are fully compatible and complementary with all spiritual, philosophical, and religious systems. Dr. Miller’s imagery incorporates fundamental principles common to both Eastern and Western traditions and will resonate harmoniously with your own personal beliefs.
What you believe, whether or not it is “true”, profoundly affects the course of healing at every level, from the cellular to the planetary. Here is an opportunity to take charge of your beliefs, and to inspire and enlighten yourself in support of your deeper values...
The most solid personal growth and development is built upon a firm base of the awareness, respect and empowerment of the deeper Self, as is presented on Inner Child Healing, as well as I Am andPersonal Excellence. Finding Serenity helps with the shedding of unhealthy relationships and the video, Relaxation and Inspiration, helps maintain relaxation and commitment.
The most complete program for this purpose is, however, Personal Excellence. The understanding of personal growth, healing, and the interrelationship of body, mind, spirit and emotions are well explored in Deep Healing and Deep Healing Audiobook. Awakening the Leader Within will take you to a new level of commitment to yourself and your deeper values – while Healing Our Planet does this at a global level.