The chemical dependency and the emotional dependency in alcoholism are often extreme, and professional help, AA, or other specific social/emotional support systems should be used. Your recovery depends on your ability to make wise choices—as is explored on Serenity Prayer. The video, Serenity, as well as Healing Journey and Ten-Minute Stress Manager, which is good for a quick pick-me-up, support relaxation and stress reduction. Writing Your Own Script will give you tools for changing your behavior in whatever situation you find yourself.
Deep Healing help you understand how dependencies develop, as well as providing tools for overcoming them. Co-dependent relationships are often at the seat of alcohol abuse problems, and Finding Serenity will give you some tools for transforming those relationships. Escape from Depression and Abolish Anxiety teach you the tools and techniques to gain a new perspective on anxiety and depression and rescript your deeper mind and nervous system.