HIV infection and AIDS are chronic, long-term illnesses, usually marked by a number of healing experiences and relapses. Begin by committing yourself over the long haul to maximize the healing responses, minimize stress, and to create the highest possible quality of life. Healing Journey will help you develop a clear vision of what you want to create. Immunoimagery will help you understand and adjust your mind and emotions to the best support and empower your immune system.
Accepting Change and Moving On helps deal with the losses and challenges always present in chronic disease, andAwakening the Healer Within will help you understand the way the mind, body and emotions interplay so as to support or injure each other during the healing process. Energy conservation and wise choices are crucial, andSerenity Prayer can be of great assistance in this. Deep Healing will provide you with a deep understanding as well as effective tools for enabling your mind to support your physical healing. Robert Haig Coxon’s CD, The Silent Path, contains music that is excellent for supporting relaxation and the healing process.
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