Your state of mind, level of stress, expectations, and mental imagery have a profound effect on your body’s ability to endure and heal from surgery. Successful Surgery and Recovery teaches the techniques Dr. Miller pioneered in the 1970s and which are becoming standard throughout the world, speeding surgical recovery by up to 25%.
Healing Journey is another valuable aid, as is Easing into Sleep—helping with the post-operative course. For those with fear associated with the surgery, Inner Child Healing and Freeing Yourself from Fear may prove to be lifesavers.
A Time to Heal has become a standard in recovery rooms throughout the world, and the video training program, Immunoimagery, offers imagery and suggestions for empowering your immune system, a crucial part of the healing team.
Dr. Miller’s book, Deep Healing: The Essence of Mind-Body Medicine and Deep Healing book, provide a thorough understanding of how mind and body can work together to create the most positive outcomes.