A 4 PART SERIES for WisdomFeed at Work
January 31st, February 21st, February 28th and March 14th at 12pm EST
You can attend the live zoom session for pay what you want. For $17, you’ll get access to the live event, and lifetime access the replay.
Rachael is a Rhode Island yoga teacher, studio owner and yoga teacher trainer who is known for her welcoming spirit, humor, and ability to empower her students through her message, “love grows love.” The R.I. native fell in love with the ancient practice of yoga through a running injury that changed her world! Today, Rachael shares her passion of yoga with all ages ranging from kids to advanced practitioners. Teaching Philosophy Teaching a Vinyasa style practice, breath and movement synchronized, with an emphasis on the subtle body, chakras, nadis, gunas, vayus, and koshas. Rachael’s teaching style is elegant, inspiring and most importantly creates space for students to have time for self inquiry. Her classes embody a time to dig deep, tap into your inner strength to rediscover or re-spark your authentic self.
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