Summary: The blog aims to discuss the 7 spiritual laws of Yoga and their roles in the daily life of a person.
Larger than the five world oceans together is the yogic ocean of knowledge and wisdom. There is no end of the spiritual theories. The 7 Spiritual Laws are also a part of this gigantic Yoga knowledge. These laws are based on the spiritual principles of Yoga that have been described in various yogic texts from ancient times. All yogic practices including Meditation, Pranayama, Sun salutation, etc. lead one to a world of perfection and devotion. These laws are the manifestation of Yogic exercises and what they infer.
Let’s understand each spiritual law of Yoga individually in detail and try to embrace the beauty of this ancient science in our daily lives.
Law of pure potentiality
Consciousness is the biggest source of inspiration for all individuals seeking success on the planet. Everything that has been created or being formed on earth is the result of human potentiality, which is present in everybody. God has blessed every human with certain abilities and it is upon people to utilize them in a positive and constructive way. According to Yoga, Meditation is an absolute way to realize your prowess. The peaceful practice also teaches you the ideals of self-acceptance so that you can attain pure potentiality.
Law of offering and accepting
Life runs on a two-way road. You receive what you offer to somebody. Universal energy is constant and it is the responsibility of each one of us to maintain the balance. All positive expressions such as love, affection, kindness, etc. should be transferred to somebody in good proportion. Others will love you only when you have positive feelings about them. The teachings of Yoga state that loving each and every creature is the only way to maintain harmony in the planet.
Law of cause and effect
The third spiritual law is also known as the law of Karma. This law is derived from the teachings of Srimad Bhagavad Gita. Lord Krishna says – Care about your actions (karma) and not the result, for the latter is not in your hand. This law is all about the theory of – ‘As you sow, so shall you reap’. If you do good to others, it will return to you in some way or the other. There is no shortcut to heaven. It is the karma that decides what you deserve – heaven or hell.
Law of least effort
In the universe that is created by Lord Brahma, everything is happening perfectly. It is an ideal place to fulfill your intention without doing anything to invigorate it. If one’s actions are motivated by love and tenderness, he/she needs the least effort to succeed in the plan. There is no barrier on the path of truth. All you need to do is just keep walking on the path of righteousness and keep your heart filled with love, joy, compassion and kindness. Do less and achieve what you seek while living the yogic way of life.
Law of Intention and aspiration
Everybody has intentions and aspirations. This world cannot prosper without these two types of human natures. While complacency is one of the major things that a person should practice, desires should not stop from getting produced. Keep aspiring in life to make it the most beautiful existence ever born on the planet. With regular practice of Yoga, one understands the meaning of personal development for contributing to social prosperity, which is what life is all about.
Law of detachment
God doesn’t want his children to struggle in order to reach the destination point. At the spirit level, everything is evolving ideally. According to the law of detachment, one should not force the situation to come his/her way as every moment has its own importance. If the circumstances are not favoring you have patience and the time will turn. Performing extraordinary tasks doesn’t guarantee much success in life but creating opportunities in a peaceful way does.
Law of Dharma
Dharma stands for a purposeful life. Even the creation of the earth is based on some purposes. There is nothing without a motive. Since all human beings are instilled with some forms of talent, it is their responsibility to utilize the talent to serve others in order to experience bliss and self-satisfaction. Your main intention should be to be show love and kindness to others and bring them happiness and delight. This is called true fulfillment.
Author bio:
Bipin Baloni is a passionate Yogi, Yoga Teacher and a traveler in India. He organized a 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh. Bipin Baloni conducts Yoga Teacher Training in India in different cities. He loves writing and reading books related to yoga, health, nature, and the Himalayas.
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