Body / Wellness

Can Mindfulness Help Children Learn?

“A Now unlimited article discusses the challenges of teaching in today’s world.  The constant report cards that are not for the children, but for the teachers.  Parents get outraged when their child gets a bad grade, or doesn’t perform to their standards.  This can be hard on all involved, but it seems like teachers are the ones becoming more and more stressed.  So the question is, can mindfulness in the classroom help?”

Teachers are challenged to balance the different learning needs of students while simultaneously managing the behaviors that occur in the classroom.
This is not an easy task. More than half of people working in education feel their job has had a negative impact on their mental health [3]. Increasing levels of stress teachers experience have a direct impact on their health and careers. Levels of teacher stress also negatively impacts on both retention and recruitment with many authorities struggling to fill vacancies.

Programs that train students and teachers in the awareness, understanding and skills that lead to positive learning environments can alleviate the burden placed on teachers and benefit student learning.  A promising approach to enhancing the well-being and learning outcomes of children and teachers is the provisions of training in mindfulness in schools.

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