In "The Alchemy of Love", host of “The Positive Mind” radio show and founder of the DiMele Center for Psychotherapy, Armand DiMele, along with special guest Roberta Maria Atti, talks about the concept of love and the chemical processes that happen inside a person’s brain when he is in love. To open up this conversation, check out the following excerpt with beautiful quotes from Thomas Moore and Noel Coward.
Just talking about human evolution and human sexuality, I want to read to you from Thomas Moore. Thomas Moore wrote a book called The Soul of Sex and he says, “In order to discover the sublime joys of sex, we may have to develop a special kind of intelligence about the erotic life. As a therapist, I find that one word characterizes most people’s attitude towards their own sexuality -- one word: confusion. They don’t understand their attractions and desires. They feel generally that their sexual lives are and have always been a mess. They believe that they are blind and powerless in the face of passion. They sustain the hope that one day they will find sexual bliss. But so far that hope has not been realized.”
The only other thing that seems to confuse people as much as sexuality is love. Yup, there’s another one that everybody kind of gets confused about. I read to you from Noel Coward. “I am no good at love. My heart should be wise and free. I killed the unfortunate golden goose wherever it may be with over-articulate tenderness and too much intensity. I am no good at love. I batter it out of shape. Suspicion tears at my sleepless mind and gibbering like an ape, I lay alone in the endless dark knowing there is no escape. I am no good at love. When my easy heart I yield, wild words come tumbling from my mouth which should have stayed concealed and my jealousy turns a bed of bliss into a battlefield. I am no good at love. I betray it with little sins, for I feel the misery of the end, in the moment that it begins and the bitterness of the last goodbye is the bitterness that always wins.”
That’s how many people feel about love. That’s how people are confused about love, about sexuality, and that’s why we’re doing these programs.
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