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Marianne Williamson

Excerpt from "Spirit of a New World" from the Marianne Williamson Lecture Series



MarianneWilliamson-spirit_of_a_new_world1600_medium Enjoy this compelling excerpt from the Marianne Williamson Lecture Series. It was taken from her lecture titled "Spirit of a New World" recorded in Los Angeles in 2009.


It is no longer an issue of “We have 20 years.” We don’t have 20 years to make this decision. We now are at a point in our own evolution as a species and our own development as human beings. I don’t know anybody who doesn’t at this point want to feel part of something bigger. Now, it used to be:  as soon as I get my own sex life together, as soon as I get my own money thing together, as soon as I get my own health thing together, as soon as I get my marriage together, as soon as I get my stuff together, I will serve the world. But the paradigm had changed. Give yourself over to divine service while you are still a mess. And then what happens --  there is a phrase in Christianity called the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. And what happens is that you’re very authentic, transparent, and naked before God. 

When Adam and Eve were naked in The Garden of Eden, that doesn’t mean they just took their clothes off. There are many people who take their clothes off and they are not naked. And there are many people who are very clothed but they are naked. And to be naked before God means this is where I get it right and this is where I get it wrong. This is where I’ve made some good changes in my life and this is where I’m still blowing it every time. This is where I think I’ve pretty much gotten it together and this is where I’m still stuck. But if I can be of use.

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