Recorded on Election Day, November 2010, the message from this transcripted excerpt from Marianne Williamson's lecture "You Are the Solution" remains relevant today and every day. Recorded live in Los Angeles as part of Marianne's Tuesday evening lecture series.
All jokes aside, this is for all of us no matter what our politics are - we need a miracle here. And miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. So we are being asked to love the candidates that we do not agree with, which is particularly difficult on the days when they win. But this is extremely important because if we are to look at politics in general in America today and remember this issue that only what we are not giving can be lacking in any situation. If we feel that there is anger from a metaphysical perspective. Remember darkness is the absence of light. You do not get rid of darkness by hitting it with a baseball bat. You only get rid of darkness by turning on the light.
So if the problem is that there is too much anger, if the problem is that there is too much hatred, the issue -- is what is my part in solving that? And our part in solving that… what has happened is there is a field of hatred and there is a field of anger and this field has permeated the public square. But what’s lacking is what we are not bringing to it, because there is no field of love that is permeating the public square. That is what Gandhi did. That is what Martin Luther King did. If love turned into a social force is not present, then you should neither be surprised nor should you complain from A Course In Miracles perspective when fear as a social force takes over the public sphere. Are you with me?
So our job, if we take 100% responsibility… you say, well wait a minute. Some who have voices of hatred and voices of attack and voices of fear -- hey, they have gone out there. That is all that has happened here, they have gone out there. So what is the lesson? The lesson is that love must get louder. The problem is not that fear is more powerful than love. The problem is that fear has picked up a megaphone. Does that make sense? And love has not picked up a megaphone. So only what we are not giving can be lacking in any situation.
Okay, so you say, all right, I want to be an instrument of love. And you go out there and you say, well, I am going to talk about love and I am going to talk about love and I am going to talk about love. I would like you now to think about the political, the person in politics, who you disagree with the most, who either is in office, won tonight, or even if they did not win tonight. You are not naïve enough to believe that they are going away. Are you with me? And that person has already occurred to you, correct? Your job, from a course of miracles perspective, is to love them.
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