Douglas Rushkoff is widely considered to be one of most cutting-edge thinkers of our time. In his book, Program or Be Programmed, Rushkoff asks the question: Do we direct technology or do we let ourselves be directed by it and those who have mastered it? BetterListen! is delighted to make a available a talk Rushkoff gave on his fascinating new book. Following is a transcribed excerpt from that talk which challenges us to think differently about the world around us.
What I see when I look at the history of culture and technology and computing, and media in particular, is I see occasional rare opportunities for civilization, the majority of people, to decide to participate in what’s going on. For people to actually become what in the sixties we used to call empowerment. For people to actually become empowered to exercise agency in their own affairs and in the world around them.
To become cognoscente of the fact that a whole lot of the world that we live in is a social construction, is made, is not actual or not preexisting conditions, but are things that people made for us to function in certain ways.Click Here for Free Previews and to Purchase
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