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Rabbi Schlomo Carlebach
Shlomo Carlebach
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Excerpt 2 from "Carlebach Teachings of Joy and Oneness & Other Stories" with Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach

ShlomoCarlebach-TeachingsJoyOneness&Other-cover-BLThe late Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach offers profound wisdom in how to love wholly in this beautiful transcribed excerpt from "Carlebach Teachings of Joy and Oneness & Other Stories."  His words are touching and deep, with instruction for us all.

We are living in a world which needs healing.  The whole world needs healing.  The whole world needs fixing.  The saddest most heartbreaking thing in the world when parents look at children and they think, “You know – hey! What’s going on? Why didn’t you have A+ every subject? Why aren’t you the best in piano playing? Why aren’t you the best in everything?”  So this is why a child is born in your house?  Because never has a child thought before it was born, he had two people who love me enough to fix me.

I want you to know the deepest, deepest, deepest depths, and I don’t mean you meet someone with something wrong with them, that we have to stay in order to fix them.  You have to love people a lot.  Even to have the urge to fix them, right?  But then once you know something

… let me come back to it. When people get married in a holy tradition, it’s a custom that groom covers the face of bride.  It has many of meanings I don’t think I ever said it about your wedding, but maybe I did… It has millions of meanings but you know we always… what is the one part of us which needs fixing the most? The one part of us which needs fixing the most is the part you always cover up. We always cover it up. Because I’m so afraid that if someone will see what’s wrong with me they won’t love me anymore.  So the beginning of the wedding is that the groom covers the face of the bride telling her, “You know how much I love you.  Everything you want to cover up is what your love also.”

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