In this thought-provoking transcribed excerpt from a lecture by Marianne Williamson, we are reminded at how the world and our perceptions change over time.
The conversation around our collective experience, our collective drama, is defined as politics. Now, the American people, I think, just like the people everywhere on this planet, all over the world -- we are now in the 21st century. There are conversations in philosophy, 19th century man. The 19th century man looked at the world differently than the 18th century man. The 20th century man looked at the world differently than the 19th century man. We would now see this as humanity. The point being that the 21st century human looks at the world differently than the 20th century human.
Now, we have phases that we go through, phases that we go through as individuals. You are a child, then you are an adolescent, and then you are a young adult, and these amazing processes that have to do. I remember when Gail Sheehy-- she wrote a book many years ago called Passages -- and Carl Jung has written about these things, how you know when you are in your teens life is one way, in your twenties life is another way, when you are in your thirties, another, forties another, fifties another, sixties another. There are these amazing passages that we go through and ways in which in every decade we live from a different place within ourselves.
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