We are pleased to bring you our second transcription preview from "Live From NYC" with Shakti Gawain. Shakti has facilitated thousands of individuals in developing greater awareness, balance and wholeness in their lives. She has written numerous books considered classics in her field. Her distinguished publishing history includes best sellers Creative Visualization, Living in the Light, The Path of Transformation, Four Levels of Healing, Creating True Prosperity, and Developing Intuition.
When I do workshops, I never plan what I'm gonna do. I like to just get here and feel the energy and tune into you. And listen to what you have to say to me, and the questions you ask, and the things you bring up. And allow the flow to happen spontaneously. So what that means is that we're all creating this together. I'm not figuring it out and giving it to you. We're doing it together. We are all together creating what I call a group channel. See, I think of each one of us individually as a channel for the universe. I'll define what I'm talking about a little bit. When I say "universe," what I mean is that intelligence, that force, that spirit, that energy, that exists in everything in all of us and in everything.
Some people might call it God. Some people call it spirit. Some people call it the higher power. I usually use the word universe. Although I might use some of those other words. It doesn't matter what you call it. The point is that it's in each of us. And my desire in my life is to learn to tune into that as strongly as I can and as much as I can to stay with that connection, with that force, and with that wisdom. And allow that wisdom to teach me, to guide me, to show me what it wants me to do because, let's face it, it's smarter than I am. It's smarter than my individual ego, personality self.
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