Michael Bernard Beckwith
Myth and Story
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Choice, Change, Choice with Michael Bernard Beckwith

Another great excerpt from a service at Agape International Spritual Center recorded in 2007 brings us right into the room as Michael Bernard Beckwith invites attendees to participate in a celebration of spirit.

From within your desire to be more expands the gap between what is said and in what follows reveals of golden hue. Like a beacon drawing you inward, this golden gap of opportunity carries you to the luminous lane. The luminous lane of your own heart.  There are no yesterdays in the luminous lane. There are no tomorrows, even the present does not exist in the luminous lane. There is only the now. as you choose the luminous lane it widens to a accommodate the growing strength and power of your intention.

You are standing in the light of infinite possibilities. You are standing in a place of expanded awareness. You are seeing yourself, knowing yourself as you choose your next moment. In the luminous lane your real self shines. You are teachable, pliable, willing and more. You are clear, open, happy and free possibilities emerge because there is nothing to fear. Limitations dissolve because there is nothing to resist. The deepest desires of you heart reveal perfect right action. In the luminous lane, the loving words you want to speak are spoken. The peaceful response that you want to make is made. The gentle touch you want to give is given. Become aware of the golden gap arising before you, the space between opportunity and action. Turn within; step out of your habitual reaction and into the luminous lane of creative response. From this place choose into the more of you, the affirmative statement. Now watch the golden opportunity arise before me. I turn within and creatively respond from the luminous lane of possibilities of my own heart and every moment I consciously choose to be more, and every moment I consciously choose to be more, and every moment I consciously choose to be more. Written through our very own Reverend Safire Rose, wonderful writing.  Give her thanks for that and I invite you to continue your inward glance.

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