Book of Runes
Ralph Blum
Rune Reading
runes reading
This week's rune reading

Rune Reading for the week of August 15, 2014

Book of Runes Cover



Here is this weeks' rune reading with Ralph Blum bestselling author of The Book of Runes.


Click play below to watch the video. Enjoy





Enjoy the video. Scroll down for a written interpretation of the Rune from Ralph.




Scroll down for more commentary from Ralph.















u   Strength:  The Rune of termination and new beginnings. Some part of the life you have been living has outgrown its form. Now that old form must be shed, so that life energy can be released in a new form,. Growth and change involves a passage into darkness as part of the cycle of perpetual renewal, so be prepared for opportunity disguised as loss. And remain mindful that the new life, the new form is always greater than the old.