This wonderful 12 minute meditation from Ram Dass focuses your heart and mind on the experience of love.
Love is not just a feeling, it is a state of being. Like a flower in a garden, it grows when tended. Cultivate love in your life, and you will notice a distinct change in the world around you.
Once you have practiced with the video a few times, try taking a few minutes to cultivate love next time you are sitting in traffic or having a hard day at work. You will be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to find and and share peace with the world.
Ram Dass Radiating Love Meditation
We are immersed in love,
Outside and inside,
And you can radiate love from your inside,
To all of us,
To the planet,
To the universe.
Every one of us counts in this effort.
The love inside is radiated outside.
Love yourself,
And love the universe.
The One inside of all of us is Love.
We each translate that love according to our lives.
No matter how thick is the filter of your karma,
You radiate the Love of the One.
And now let us, a group effort, love our planet.
And now we are love itself.
We are love.
We are love.
We are love.
We are love.
We are love.
We are love.
We are love.
We are love.
We are love.
Be love.
Be love.
Be love.
The post 12 Minute Meditation to Cultivate Love appeared first on Wisdom Feed.
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