Throughout the 1970’s until his untimely death in 1979, writer/educator/dramatist Dr. Samuel J. Citron took it upon himself to interview leading authorities on special topics in contemporary Jewish history, mostly relating to the State of Israel. Over the course of ten years of painstaking work, he completed the immense task of pulling together personal accounts of many of the more significant events of the last hundred years. The set consists of 58 recordings, more than 24 hours of listening, each one focusing on a different topic of interest.
As fascinating as the subject matter are the interviewees themselves: former Israeli Prime Ministers David Ben Gurion, Golda Meir and Menachem Begin, Presidents Yitzhak Navon and Ezer Weizman, archeologist Yigael Yadin and statesman Abba Eban, to name but a few.
Topics are as diverse as the Battle of Jerusalem, the Birth of the State of Israel, the Israeli Air Force, Israel in the International Arena, Masada and Recollections of the Pioneering Years.
Each program begins with an introduction and a list of suggested subjects for consideration. A unique collection that no home or school should be without.
A production of the Jewish Heritage Institute of Friends of the Jewish Theatre for Children, Inc.
Complete list of included recordings:
A11. The First Colony: Mayor Oved Ben Ami
A12. Theodore Herzl, the Man: Flora Muszkat
A13. Eliezer Ben-Yehudah: Dola Ben-Yehudah Wittmann
A14. Seder at Cassino (Italy): Meshulam Riklis
A15. The Warsaw Ghetto Revolt: Wladka Meed
A16. Exodus 1947: A Passenger - Mordecai Friedland
A17. The Birth of the State: David Ben Gurion
A18. Operation “Magic Carpet”: Ted Stern
A19. I Fought For the Western Wall: Danny Koenigstein
A20. “My Jerusalem”: Mayor Teddy Kollek
A21. Beginnings - A Retrospective Evaluation: David Ben Gurion
A22. The Bilu: Amram Hazanoff
A23. Jerusalem, the Old Yishuv: Moshe Nathanson
A24. Hashomer: Rahel Yanit Ben-Zvi
A25. Afforestation & Land Reclamation: Yosef Weitz
A26. Founding a City - Netanya: Mayor Oved Ben-Ami
A27. The Parachutists: Rehaveam Amir
A28. Religion in Tzahal: Chief Rabbi Gen. Shlomo Goren
A29. Masada: Professor Yigael Yagin
A30. The Six Day War: General (Res.) Chaim Herzog
A31. Reclaiming the Huleh Marshes: Jacob Tsur
A32. The Haganah: Dr. Moshe Sneh
A33. The Irgun: Menachem Begin
A34. The Rescue of Danish Jewry - Part I
Henrik Kraft, Chief Rabbi Bent Melchior, Ambassador Ebe Munk, Prof.Ole Secher
A35. The Rescue of Danish Jewry - Part II
A36. After Liberation: Rabbi Judah Nadich
A37. The War of Independence: Professor Yigael Yadin
A38. The Cave Dwellers:
A. In The Caves: Meshulam Riklis
B. Exodus: Baruch Duvdevani
C. In Israel: Rahamim Haggag
A39. The Eichmann Trial: Gideon Hausner
A40. Archaeology: Professor Nahman Avigad
A41. Degania-The First Kibbutz: Hayuta Bussel
A42. Pioneering Years - Recollections: Golda Meir
A43. The Palmach: Yigal Allon
A44. Underground Radio Link, New York-Tel Aviv: Herman Gross, Reuben Gross
A45. The Siege of Jerusalem: Dr. Dov Joseph
A46. In The International Arena: Abba Eban
A47. The Hebrew University: Pres. Avraham Harman
A48. The Legal & Judicial System: Justice Moshe Landau
A49. Citadels of Healing: Professor Kalman Mann
A50. Bedouin Doctor: Dr.Younis Abu Rabia
A51. The Bar Kokhba Letters: Professor Yigael Yadin
A52. The Jewish National Fund: Ambass. Jacob Tzur, Zvulun Paran, Hayuta Bussel et al
A53. The Beginnings of Tel Aviv: Yehudit Harari
A54. The Zion Mule Corps: Rafael Aboulafia, Ephraim Auerbach, Leon L. Gildesgame
A55. Nili - Part I: Rifka Aaronsohn, Rafael Aboulafia, Prof. Alexander M. Dushkin
A56. Nili - Part II: Aaronsohn, Aboulafia, Dushkin
A57. The Shaare Zedek Hospital: Zvi Kaspi, Nahum Pessin, Sister Selma
A58. Americans in the War of Liberation: Mahal Veterans
A59. The Battle for Jerusalem: Gen. Mordechai (Motta) Gur
A60. Golan Kibbutz: After the Six Day War: Rachel, Uri, Mordecai
After the Yom Kippur War: Erela, Mira, Mordechai
A61. The Temple Mount Excavations: Prof. Benjamin Mazar
A62. Child of the First Aliyah - Part 1: Yehudit Harari
A63. Child of the First Aliyah - Part 2: Yehudit Harari
A64. Pioneer Doctor: Dr. Helena Kagan
A65. Americans Build a City - Herzliyah:
Samuel W. Levine, Annie Levine, Dr. Avraham C. Nevo, Colonel (Res.) Jozef Nevo
A66. The Sefardim: Yitzhak Navon
A67. Building the Air Force: Ezer Weizman
A68. The Weizmann Institute: Meyer W. Weisgal
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