The Uncovering Happiness Symposium: Complete Set (Audio)

The Uncovering Happiness Symposium: Complete Set (Audio)


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The Uncovering Happiness Symposium: Mindfulness with Christiane Wolf, Zindel Segal, Alex Tew, Dan Harris and Elisha Goldstein

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Uncovering Happiness Workshop By Elisha Goldstein Streaming Video and Audio

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Product Information

Explore the concept of Compassion with Elisha Goldstein, Jack Kornfield, Sharon Salzberg - VIDEO and AUDIO.

In the past 15 years cutting-edge innovations in neuroscience have led to one of the most powerful insights in human history…that within each and every one of us there are natural biological potentials for real happiness. In this course, you will learn how to harness your brain's own natural anti-depressants and uncover your true potential for joy!

I'm Elisha Goldstein, author of The Now Effect and most recently Uncovering Happiness: Overcoming Depression with Mindfulness and Self-Compassion. For over 15 years I've been studying and teaching the psychology, neuroscience and practice of uncovering happiness in everyday life.

Along the way I've dug deep into a variety of disciplines and discovered some key natural anti-depressants that:

  1. turn the volume down on our negative thinking,
  2. lower our stress,
  3. heighten states of joy and
  4. wire in the balance and confidence that we can all learn and attain.

This has been my experience, the experience of thousands of people I've worked with and is also backed by the latest science.

About The Symposium

The Uncovering Happiness Symposium is a very personal project for me. It's been my life's work to uncover the potential in each and every one of us for uncovering happiness and I couldn't be more thrilled to bring it to you right now.

In this Symposium you'll learn:

· The key ingredients of lasting happiness

· How to practically bring them into your daily life

· And how to do it so you change your brain for the better

Ultimately you will learn how to take back control of your mind, your mood and your life, sewing the seeds for real lasting happiness.


Running Time: 12 hour 32 mins

ISBN: 978-1-63757-105-7

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