These guided meditations recorded by Dr. Joe Loizzo are meant to support all four horizons of contemplative learning and meditative practice that make up the gradual path to freedom and happiness taught in the Nalanda tradition. These are the same horizons of learning and practice covered in Nalanda offerings, including one-time meditations, Fall and Spring classes, Winter and Summer retreats and the Four Year Program in Sustainable Happiness.
Introduces the art of contemplative self-analysis, which traces our stress-reactive bias and habits to their root—our traumatic self-constructs and self-protective instincts—then works to expose and clear these blocks to unbiased awareness and radical open-mindedness.
Covers the art of building unconditional love and universal compassion, by adopting all beings as part of our family of life and reversing the self-centered flow of give and take by taking care and giving love to all life, one interaction at a time.
Covers the final step in the art of clearing the mind for social engagement: learning to shift our childhood reactive sense of self to a mature self based on the impartial awareness of radical open-mindedness and the team spirit of unconditional love, care, joy and equanimity.
Running time: 1.5 hours
ISBN: 978-1-61544-708-4
Digital Download
These intermediate practices with the brilliance of Joe Loizzo, MD, brings substantive material for critical analysis weaving current neuroscience and modern psychoanalysis to deepen our experience and understanding of these very rich Indo-Tibetan practices for transformational change. Maria Perez, RN, BSN, MPH, CCM/Founder & CEO/Case Management Network, Inc.
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