Obtain your ideal weight, while you improve your immunity and repair DNA damage to prevent cancer
Eating healthy plays a major role in the prevention and recovery from infectious diseases like COVID-19 and the flu, as well autoimmune diseases and even cancer. Now more than ever, it's important to fuel your immune system with protective, micronutrient-rich foods. The Nutritarian eating plan is designed to maximize health and longevity and the recipes are outstanding! In six recorded discussions, Dr. Fuhrman will explain why and how the Nutritarian diet works to transform your health and enable an ideal weight. Gain helpful insights to ensure success as Dr. Fuhrman answers specific questions from individuals just starting out.
Super Immunity Guided Detox with Dr. Joel Fuhrman! Recorded live from a live 2020 webinar.
Running time: 9 hours and 38 minutes
ISBN: 978-1-63757-004-3
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