At one time in all cultures the dying process was seen as a sacred event, alive with meaningful rituals and a connection to a transpersonal reality. Our western industrialized society has submerged that sense of the sacred beneath a heavy techno-medical layer of chemical treatments, statistical measurements and probabilities. But the sacred is beginning to seep through again with a renewed openness to the spiritual dimension of life. The End-of-Life Doula work begun 10 years ago is devoted to returning sacredness to the dying process. Henry Fersko-Weiss will talk about the various ways the doula work focuses on the sacred and a look at how it is transforming the final days of life.
This lecture is part of The Art of Dying Conference Lectures & Panel Series Collection recorded at the Art of Dying Conference in NYC in April of 2015
ISBN Digital Download: AOD15L3DD
For the a listing of all the programs from the art of dying conference follow this link here
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