Total Time: 35 minutes
ISBN: 978-1-61544-961-3
I've been doing it a week so far. It's nice and relaxing, basic intro to mindfulness, no clue if it helps psoriasis but certainly can't make it worse!
Mindfulness is already a very useful technique for reducing stress. I learned when I first entered university that stress made my eczema worse. Even though this recording is for psoriasis sufferers, I find it applies well to my situation too. Currently starting my 3rd week of meditation and while the improvement isn't linear, it's still there. Highly recommend. Even if you find it "doesn't help" your skin, mindfulness meditation has been shown in studies to change your brain by causing your amgdala (stress response area) to shrink and your prefrontal cortex to thicken (concentration, decisionmaking area), in as little as 8 weeks. You stand to benefit by practising this recording, both mentally, and hopefully with your skin as well. Highly recommend.
This meditation is so good. I have done it every day and I feel so relaxed and at ease afterward. Jon's voice is heavenly! Thank you so much for offering this.
Mindfulness Meditation for people with Psoriasis by Jon Kabat-Zinn PhD
I suffer from another skin condition, quite similar to psoriasis but different, and I hoped I could relate to this recording. However it happened to be very specific to the aspects and mechanisms of psoriasis and so it felt inadequate to my condition. It might be useful for psoriasis, though.
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