Talking to patients and to each other about the end of life is complex and fraught with misunderstanding. Traditionally, decisions about end-of-life care have been framed as choices: between “comfort” and life prolongation, between fighting and surrendering, between doing everything and giving up, between living and dying. In an era where more than 70 percent of adults will die of chronic progressive illnesses, these dichotomous choices are often an inaccurate and even harmful way to think about medical care. In this workshop we will look at a new map for understanding the end of life as a trajectory and a developmental stage and consider how this might change the ways we care for those with incurable illnesses.
This lecture is part of The Art of Dying Conference Workshop Series Collection recorded at the Art of Dying Conference in NYC in April of 2015
For the a listing of all the programs from the art of dying conference follow this link here
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